Third decade (His passion)
Our Father bead
One Glory Be, one Fatima prayer, and one Our Father
- Jesus, who was welcomed as the Messiah as He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
- Jesus, who at the Last Supper instituted the sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist
- Jesus, who prayed in agony in the garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus, who, betrayed by Judas and abandoned by His friends, willingly placed Himself in the hands of His captors
- Jesus, who, captured and roughly bound, was led before the high priest
- Jesus, who was denied three times by Simon Peter and was falsely accused, mocked, beaten, and spat upon by the crowd
- Jesus, who was scourged at the pillar on orders given by Pilate
- Jesus, who was wrapped in a purple robe, crowned with thorns and hailed as king by mocking soldiers
- Jesus, who before Caiaphas and Pilate was condemned to a wicked death
- Jesus, who was given the burden of the cross to bear like a criminal to the hill of Golgotha
Our Father bead
One Glory Be, one Fatima prayer, and one Our Father
Original text Copyright 2012 by Daniel A.C. Frattarelli